Friday, October 5, 2018

Enlightenment is a way of Thinking and Feeling

But it really cannot be taught because it is slightly different for everyone.

This saying says it best:

The way that can be thought of or spoken of is not the true path or True Way.

And this is true.

So, each person has to find their own style their own custom path to enlightenment.

And every path is custom and unique to that person.

Because each of us "Move to the beat of a different drum".

So, finding that beat "whatever it is begins your path."

Enlightenment is a way of dancing through life.

If life gives you lemons you make Lemon Pie or Lemonade.

You take what life gives you and you make something good and kind with it.

You begin by creating your own personal heaven here on earth and being an example to all (whether they follow you or not).

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