Monday, December 26, 2022

Because there are many many deer on the SF Coast where I live in a forest near the ocean there are also Mountain Lions:

who try to eat those deer since they are not allowed to be hunted by people here in this forest.

So, we have neighbor's videos on security cameras of Mountain lions. Also, there is one pair (a male and a female) here sometimes too. However, you don't want to be outside when they are around. But, most of the time they come at night because cats have the best Night vision much better than humans do.

So, walking your dog late at night here on the coast might not be the best idea or being alone with your dog or dogs in the forests morning or evening isn't the best idea either. But, everyone does what they do.

Also, there are also raccoons around here too which means smaller ladies with dogs like poodles shouldn't really be walking their pets at night simply because raccoons (as a family) don't recognize leashes or what they are for but simply see a small animal they can eat. So, when a family of raccoons go after a pet on a leash with a smaller woman in tow with her dog often that woman gets attacked protecting her pet and winds up in the hospital. Because raccoons as a family sort of attack as monkey families do to. And raccoons have very sharp claws and even sharper teeth. So, walking your poodle or other small dog at night is a very bad idea most places in California especially in suburbs or near forests where many many animals live. Also, even in cities raccoons live in storm drains where they sleep during the day and come out at night to find food.

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