Thursday, December 22, 2022

Denver reports a 37 degree drop in temperature in one hour

Dillon, Montana reported a 26 degree drop in temperature in 3 minutes. This is the quickest drop I've heard of so far. However, there was a 70 degree drop (but I'm not sure where that was or in what time frame. But, so far a 70 degree drop is the biggest drop I've heard of so far.

For example, the Dillon, Montana drop the temperature started at 27 degrees Fahrenheit and 3 minutes later it was 1 degree Fahrenheit. If you were not prepared for this you easily could get frostbite or even die if you really were not prepared for this when it happened.

One person on TV said: 'be sure to tell young people that this kind of weather they might not survive driving in." I agree with this statement especially because I was young once and almost froze to death because of my youth and balziness several times before I got to be 25 and stopped taking as many chances because by 26 I was a married father with a son so I had to stay alive to raise my son right. But, young people often feel they are immortal and then some of them are soon gone because of this. I survived but many young men I knew didn't fare as well as I did then.

I'm concerned young people might be the first to die in all this because they think they are immortal and they are not. IF you can just make it to 25 or 30 often you have suffered enough to know you are not immortal and you have to be careful to stay alive.

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