Saturday, December 24, 2022

We are presently looking at how the next Ice Age could begin

 Watching polar vortexes come as far south as the ocean next to Texas and to Orlando and Miami we are seeing EXACTLY how an ice age could begin with these polar vortexes.

It's true that our CO2 levels on earth are likely not going to allow that to happen for now at least but eventually (usually) the High CO2 levels eventually trigger an Ice Age at some point (unless we become more like the planet Venus did and turn to 600 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit instead. Because it is thought that Venus was once like earth. I'm thinking that humanoids (when the sun was that hot) moved further out to Mars and Maldek (the asteroid belt which was once a planet) then from Venus when we lost Venus to too much CO2. for humanoids like ourselves.

The sun goes hotter and colder in certain cycles so when the sun was cooler Venus was colonized by humanoids from another solar system likely and then it became too hot so they moved out to Mars and Maldek. Why didn't they come here is likely because of the dinosaurs at least at that point. They didn't want to be eaten by T-Rex or stepped on by bigger dinosaurs. It likely wasn't until after they blew up Maldek and turned it into the asteroid belt accidentally with nukes that an asteroid came to earth and killed all the larger land dinosaurs and anything else huge had to go into the oceans to survive except maybe things like Elephants and Rhinos and Saber Toothed tigers which were able to find some way to survive the asteroid from Maldek hitting earth at that time.

After that the survivors from Mars and Maldek came here to earth to colonize but had trouble with the microbes here so they genetically engineered us from ape and humanoid DNA. We didn't live as long as they did but we still lived 30 to 100 years on average so we could take care of them as they slowly died from the microbes of earth over several hundred years time.

So, this means that humanoids and us originated as a colony here on earth around 65 million years ago.

However, I'm not sure what happened during ice ages unless they moved more towards the equator to survive all that. Or maybe a lot of them died or left for other planets during ice ages. It's really hard to say at this point but maybe we will scientifically discover more about all this over time.

Some people seem to think this is the first time we have had space travel or intergalactic travel. This just isn't true. Humanoids like us have had space travel many times in the past. The hard part is when an ice age happens and most engineers of all this and their knowledge die off during ice ages or during bad governments and revolutions. Ignorant people will destroy everything technological, especially extreme religions. But, Ice ages and flooding could also do the same thing to Space travel as all the engineers and civilizations were flooded or froze to death from an ice age happening suddenly.

I think looking at the world now you could easily see how easy it would be to lose space travel from a bad religion or from flooding or from an ice age hitting suddenly when people were not prepared for that outcome enough to survive this en masse.

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