Monday, April 10, 2023

Many many people worldwide die before they are 30:

 However, if you make it to be 30 in the U.S (of course this is before Covid) your life expectancy was 90.

So, if you look at the statistics of dying in your 70s this is just when you average in all the deaths before age 30 in people.

If you can make it to 30 likely you will still be alive at 90 (though this likely has to be adjusted at least during the years of Covid from 2019 to 2022.

Because we are still losing 1000 to 2000 people every day now from Covid just here in the U.S.  which means even at a low number per day average that's still 

365,000 people dying in the U.S. of Covid every year even now.

Only 46,000 people in the U.S. die in car accidents each year on average.

So, this means that 7.9 times as many people are STILL dying of Covid more than die in traffic accidents nationwide per year still.

This is why at almost 75 I still wear a mask in any public indoor space I go into. Because most of the deaths from Covid are in people over 45 years old.

Only 4% of deaths from covid have been people under 45 years old worldwide.

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