Friday, May 5, 2023

Cleopatra hIstorically was the first Femme Fatale of History

In Cleopatra's time ONLY royalty was educated and could actually read and write. So, since she spoke 7 languages and was the ONLY member of Egyptian royalty in her time to actually speak Egyptian this made a difference too in how she could communicate in a very educated and effective manner with good attributes of leadership and skills.

Also, it is said that she was beautiful in addition to being intelligent and witty and fatal in a Queen like way to many people then. Her dream (if I understand this right depicted in this movie) was to unite the whole world (which was Europe and all of Africa to India under one rulership. She (according to the movie) was interested in completing the task that Alexander the Great was trying to do in uniting the whole World when he died at age 32 in the process of this in Alexandria I believe. (This is what the movie depicts at least).

So, I'm just trying to see here what is actually historical and what is made up by Hollywood through this kind of research regarding Julius Caesar and Cleopatra and Mark Antony.

What I get is that Both Mark Antony and Cleopatra both Loved Julius Caesar though likely in different ways and this was a part of their bond after Julius Caesar was assassinated by the Roman Senators in 44 BC.

Since Cleopatra was only born in 69 BC and died in 30 BC she must have been pretty young when she had Caesarian with Julius Caesar. Also, this means that she died about 14 years after Julius Caesar was assassinated when she was maybe 39 years old?

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