Friday, May 19, 2023

Don't panic if you are over 40

 This should be a rule. Why?

Because panicking under 40 often people can survive okay but panicking over 40 often can lead to a heart attack or a stroke and then you are done with life for good.

So, learning how to be calm is really helpful over 40 or at any age.

I found that sort of seeing myself as already dead in some ways during my 20s helped me a lot to stay calm throughout the rest of my life. I realized getting really upset about anything can quickly shorten your life to that day when you die. I saw this all around me with friends and relatives literally dying and ANY age old or young or in between. So, you might as well be calm about it so I just sort of accepted that I already died in some ways and this is one way to remain calm. By accepting that I had already died I could go on living forever in some ways. This worked so I'm still alive at 75 which I find amazing now every single day! So, you are sort of okay if you are gone today or if you live 1000 or 10,000 years. It's all the same somehow.

By God's Grace

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