Monday, May 15, 2023

My world didn't turn upside down until 1969

 It was the times, the Viet Nam War and losing friends to that war either physically or mentally that I went to high school with who got drafted, some joined and I eventually lost them to PTSD too.

So, my memories regarding friends is very sad at this point. I was able to survive these times without getting drafted and so I had a more normal life than people I know by getting married, having children, buying and creating and running businesses along the way. So, my life was mostly okay even though I was married three times and had three children now all grown from those days over 25 years of age now.

But, I remember the craziness of those times that remind me of now just after Covid with people nuts a lot like Putin was made by Covid isolation. I also remember how crazy it was when the over 26 crowd wanted all my generation to die in that war and I never could even figure out why really we were ever there in the first place.

But, my world turned upside down in 1969 and it was sort of like being reincarnated as a new person. For example, I went from studying Computer Data Processing and computer programming and working in the field by age 20 in 1968 to studying Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology and psychology and starting working on becoming a psychologist seriously in my 20s too.

So, from a technologist and electrician trained by my father since childhood into everything electric including computers I realized that I had a soul and that studying about religion, philosophy, psychology and the like could heal me enough to consider staying alive here on planet earth.

Very different times than now and yet, the insanity of the world still has many of the same elements to it just like then.

I'm grateful I survived all the good and bad times of the 1960s and 1970s and was able to raise all my kids so they could go to college and become successful in their lives too.

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