Friday, May 3, 2024

IF you don't like what you see coming as a precognitive intuitive simply get out of the way of it

I see difficult things that are coming as sort of like Semi Trucks bearing down on you. You can be like a Deer in the headlights and say something like "OHHH! What pretty lights" just before you are killed by the truck bearing down upon you.

OR you can say to yourself: "I don't like what is coming and I might not be able to stop it but I can definitely be somewhere else when it happens."

This has happened a lot in my life. I simply make sure I'm not somewhere something really bad is going to happen and whenever possible I will tell family and friends not to be there too even though they don't always listen to me.

So, remember, if you see something bad coming and you know the day or week or moment it occurs "Don't be there when that bad thing happens and try to save your family and friends from it if they will let you too."

By God's Grace

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