Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In the 1960s and early 1970s American Bombs killed North and South Vietnamese too

 The problem with being a munitions country where we have the military industrial complex running full swing like it is often in Europe too is that these weapons then kill people all over the world in both legal conflicts and illegal ones too (from the World Court's point of view).

And right now Netanyahu is as much of a war criminal as Putin or Xi or Kim Jong Un are too from a World court Perspective. 

So, Biden Saying that: "American Bombs have been used to kill Palestians the main reaction to this might be: "Duh!" which is the main reason that College Campuses have exploded with Pro Palestinian demonstrations worldwide and not just here in the U.S.

And just like the Anti-War Demonstrations in the 1960s and 1970s the government likely won't be able to stop these demonstrations either. And the Biden Administration is realizing that siding with Netanyahu is a way for Biden not to be re-elected. So, What does the Biden Administration do to mitigate this problem?

Likely we might send no more weapons to Israel at all soon because of Netanyahu being an Israeli Hitler and murdering Palestinians like this with no regard at all for Palestinian lives.

Think about this if you were the average Palestinian being murdered every day by Israelis would you EVER release the prisoners that you took October 7th? Not very likely which is why now the prisoners are dying one by one mostly from malnutrition, starvation and a complete lack of medical care or exercise.

This is becoming more and more a nightmare for the whole world and especially for the Biden Administration.

Is this a bigger problem than the 80 or 90 felony counts against Trump? We will see!

This is all as crazy as the 1960s with the Kennedy brothers being assassinated along with martin Luther King! IT's as crazy as Nixon being almost as bad as Trump but still a patriot with mental illness and simultaneously being the Best Statesman president along with Kissinger's help in pacifying China for all these years so we didn't have a nuclear war with China by doing business with them since the Nixon and Kissinger era.

But, these times remind me a lot of the complete insanity of the 1960s and 1970s where people's confidence in not being lied to went from about 75% confidence down to around 11% confidence after the Warren Report on the Kennedy Assassination. Then we all knew the government was completely full of shit on all levels. No one believed what they told us at all. Confidence in the U.S. government left then and has never returned ever since.

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