Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Who Is Meridian?

 He was born in the 1940s but because of When he was born he was able to use Medical AI to basically never die. Also, the Planet Earth as a being enjoyed being "Protected" by his actions in helping create the 2nd timeline. So, even 1 million years into the history of Earth in all it's many forms he is still "Alive" in that he can still create a body to live in and walk around in when he needs to in helping Earth go on into the future millions of years. He meets Arcane at a date I was never given so my easiest Guess would be somewhere between now and 1 million years into the future when this planet is called New Deva and Mars is called "likely" Isfahel (at least by the citizens of New Deva) which is a future Earth. 

To make more sense of this it is important to realize that planets are alive and have a say in who and what lives and dies and when this happens (both when they are born and when they die). So, it is in the interests of Earth that Meridian stay alive to help protect the very existence of Earth on various timelines associated with Earth, (especially because of timeline 1 in which civilization ended on September 11th 2001. And Because Elohar and Ragna from the first timeline came back to September 11th 2001 and before this too to help create a 2nd timeline that we presently live on in relative peace.

By Relative Peace I just mean that most people are alive for the most part and not in a situation where all civilization is gone from 2001 until around 6000 AD like on the first timeline. So, we are very lucky and grateful to have timeline 2 that Elohar and Ragna helped create with the help of His Holiness The Galactic Sentience and His Oneness of Earth as well as Jonathan Flow and a host of others in various timelines and from various planets and nebulae throughout the known galaxy and likely beyond.

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