Saturday, May 4, 2024

Physical immortality is within the grasp (potentially) of every human being on earth

 What do I mean by this?

I mean that the technology exists or will exist soon so that those who can afford it or who are intelligent enough to seek this information out could basically never die.

However, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I think it completely depends upon the person.

In some ways Saint Germain and Jesus and Archangel Michael have been preparing me by preparing the way I process information and conduct my life towards this "Immortal" way of thinking.

I think the most important thing is how you think about things basically. If your mind isn't prepared for immortality physically then you likely cannot achieve it.

So, the first thing is to be prepared in consciousness to achieve physical immortality.

However, like I said before: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

I think it really depends upon the person at each stage of human evolution in physical ways and in consciousness ways.

For example, in India in the 1980s I found people much more prepared for potential physical immortality than many people here in the U.S. Why is this?

Probably because we are so materialistic. Being scientific helps in some ways to become immortal but unless you are happy enough in your life to want to go on living just being scientific just isn't enough.

However, I found (at least in the 1980s) that people tended to be much less materialistic than Americans in general

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