Sunday, May 26, 2024


 One of the more interesting things I learned as a precognitive intuitive is that eventually all the continents are gone from earth and the whole surface (except for volanic eruption islands which will continue to be formed like the Hawaiian islands over volcanic vents.

So, this was surprising to me. I was trying to fathom at first how this could happen during the next 1 million years.

If I approach this logically then one might say that humans might not get a handle always on global Climate changes to the point where they can use technology to stop what is coming. It's possible that humans will succeed in the short run (the next 500,000 years) but something happens to change all this at some point between 500,000 years into the future and 1 million years into the future.

So, when Arcane's people come to Earth they Name it New Deva because though it might be earth they aren't sure. His people are related to people on earth today by the way genetically but they have been visiting other planets and colonizing other planets since this century and after. So, colonizing other worlds becomes a really big thing for people to do during the next 500 years or so.

I think things change a lot from the way they are not a lot both culturally and individually as well as the weather and how we react to the weather and living more underground as a way of escaping the weather sort of like Bears or Squirrels or other animals that burrow into the ground to escape the hot or cold or windy weather around the world now.

So, sociologically we change a great deal from the way people are now on earth.

Humans I believe have always been very adaptable in innovative in how they solve problem for better and for worse along the way if you study human history and this appears to be the case on into the future too.

When I look at the trends on earth right now it is mostly about the haves finding ways for the have nots to eliminate themselves directly or indirectly. Though this is a sad state of affairs all over the earth it does lend itself to the model of:

Survival of the Fittest and other such phrases one hears about nature and who survives and who doesn't.

So, likely about 80% to 90% of the population of earth will be gone from global Climate changes by 2100 AD.

I'm watching in the news now how almost every day there are people being injured in jet planes around the world from turbulence. This turbulence is bound to get worse and worse to the point where wings might be ripped off of planes or control surfaces that control the direction of planes could be ripped off too if planes cannot slow down fast enough to compensate for wind shears that they might not be able to see or know about otherwise.

I think somehow there will be technology invented to better warn jets of wind shears now or in the future as more and more people are injured or die from this sort of thing.

However, when I look into the future as a precognitive intuitive we seem to be able to survive here on earth okay at least the next 500,000 years or so but our numbers will be greatly reduced by the climate change of this century.

The biggest problem likely will be that as our numbers are reduced it will be more difficult to maintain all our technology because people will be grieving for all those who die that they are close to and this could be a problem trying to maintain all of our technology and educating new engineers and inventors to replace the older ones who can invent ways to survive what we will face the next few hundred years especially in all ways.

War is slowly being replaced with "The STruggle to survive at all here on earth."

So, wars like Putin is waging on Ukraine are traditional things that empires do but counterproductive when the real enemy of the human race and all life on earth is actually global climate changes.

Until the human race addresses this issue effectively we are all moving at a faster and faster clip towards potential extinction as a human race on earth.

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