Friday, September 6, 2024

93 in town but low 80s at Castle Lake at 6000 Feet 10 miles up from Lake Siskiyou

A friend of mine and I have been going to Castle lake as friends to swim or snorkel or with Girlfriends since around 1969. So, once again 55 years later we went again. He thought about bringing his kayak but it's an inflatable and we only had an hour or so because we were going out to dinner with his girlfriend my wife and their friend who is a  lawyer from San Diego. 

So, when we got to Castle lake it was already 3:30 or so so we were not there more than an hour because the sun sets there over a ridge by 5 or 6 pm this time of year there even though I think sunset this far north is around 7:33pm tomorrow night for example, but that is only if you were level which you are not at this altitude because to the east and the west of Interstate 5 next to Mt. Shasta City you have mountains that go up about 8000 to 10,000 feet at Mt. Eddy to the west and you have Mt. Shasta which alone stands around 14, 179 feet to the east of Interstate 5 and the little city of Mt. Shasta.

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