Monday, September 23, 2024

Also, I realized today that saying he or she to being a Galactic Sentience might not be useful

Because the likelihood is that a Galactic Sentience is not necessarily a he or a she but might be almost anything in regard to sexuality because I'm not sure at this point how Creators reproduce or the laws scientific laws in regard to all of this. However, at this point I'm more familiar with this Galaxy than any others.

For example, in the religion I was raised in there were beings like Jesus and Saint Germain and Mary the Mother of Jesus and Quan Yin the Goddess of Mercy and then Saint Germain was also the God of Freedom.

But, it went beyond that to beings like "The Great Divine Director" who was the teacher of Jesus and there was a being they called "Victory" who was also a Cosmic Being.

The way a Cosmic Being was defined to me as a child was that they were two beings (two twin rays) one male and one female who had joined into one being. This is how this was described to me as a child.

So, one easy way to look at what a Galactic Sentience might be is to consider a Galactic Sentience a Cosmic Being which is beyond any maleness or femaleness but both combined.

And the sum of these two things is way more than either of the two classifications individually of either male of female.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all this even today at age 76 years old with a lifetime of experience because I remember now all the way back to 1950 and I met people born as far back as the civil war or further. Someone who was 100 years old in 1950 could have been born in 1850. So, I have seen a lot and met amazing people starting when I was about 2 years old (as far back as I can remember with the type of more adult memory you and I have).

By God's Grace

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