Friday, September 20, 2024

An 81 year old friend ask me today: "Why are people so reckless these days?"

 I said, "I think it's because people don't consider themselves sacred or other life sacred as we were taught in the 1950s anymore."

When I answered him in this way he actually agreed with me.

If people revert to becoming more like animals and less cultured and experiencing themselves and others as sacred beings deserving to live and not die suddenly then you have sort of what we presently see on earth where mass murderers with no respect for their own life or the lives of others kill a whole bunch of people and then either kill themselves or let the police or bystanders do it for them.

I think this is a part of the problem we face (at least here in the U.S.)

Education is a 2 edged sword. If you ONLY believe that people are chemical interactions like in a test tube or something like that, how are those people going to avoid murder suicide as a group?

So, even though a scientific point of view I find helpful in navigating life, without anything sacred or sanctified humans begin to become animals once again where we all start killing others and then ourselves.

To me, this is ONLY Logical.

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