Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First article I published online that I still have a record of today: first published on May 8th 2001

Note: This article published May 8th 2001 (even before September 11th 2001) is the earliest one I still have a record anywhere of that I know of. I also published articles from June of 1999 when I was told by doctors I wasn't going to die from my heart virus that had forced me to retire then. They said, "You are very lucky Fred! Most people die of heart viruses and we only know what they died of from a postmortem autopsy!"

So, I was indeed very grateful to be alive and I had promised God if I survived from Fall of 1998 until May of 1999 that if I survived I would start a blog online and sing God's and Angels praises in Thanks to God for surviving everything! end note from Wednesday September 4th 2024.

May 8th 10:12am pst


Let's not beat around the bush. Let's get right to it.

Even though corporate greed is temporarily at the heart of the theft of California's and through California the rest of the nations financial resources that is not at the long term heart of the problem.

The real long term monster has many heads. The first head of the monster is OPEC. The Arab and other OPEC leaders seeing that the developed world was very prosperous the last few years decided that they wanted more of the world's prosperity. Also Arab terrorists who hate the technological rich Christian world who are financed by OPEC wanted more oil money to spread terrorism to more directly overthrow Christian nations in their desperate bid to create a world dominated by fundamentalist ISLAM.

Western oil companies seeing only through the eyes of greed decided to capitalize on the OPEC cartels obsession with terrorist greed and make big money too. The problem with this is common man everywhere is getting more and more pissed of by the moment and if he can find a group or person to blame this growing ridiculousness and pain on he will.I fully expect some form of violence to erupt toward some scapegoat Bush will try to find a scapegoat but it won't be Bin Laden because the CIA, FBI and NSA cannot lose BIN LADEN because he is the only thing that allows their continued good funding. The saddest thing is that whatever the scapegoat is it will be like kicking your dog. It won't solve anything and things will get worse until the real problems are confronted directly. However, since US media is owned by big oil more and more don't expect any useful information in the solving of our problems. If you listen to US media things will only get worse and worse. Public Radio, the internet, BBC and ITN are the only sources that I have found that don't sound like a US multinational corporate infomercial.

However, on the energy side I do have a solution. Since California has always been at the cutting edge of new technology the world is now looking to California to solve the world's energy crisis. We are the only ones crazy enough, innovative enough, experimental enough or creative enough to create the long term solutions necessary for the world to survive this. Our biggest obstacle is government bureaucracy getting in the way. Californians now need the freedom to create a solution. In other words we need to be left alone to create the long term solutions to the worlds energy problems.
1.We need tax credits to build wind and solar solutions.
2. We need all new roofs in California to be built with solar cells embedded.
3. We need to be allowed to put wind generators where there is wind on power poles and in residential trees in an aesthetic way.
4.All lighting in the state of California must come from solar or wind power. In order to do this all traffic signals must be primarily solar with batteries. Grid would be only for back up on cloudy days.

5.All new cars and trucks sold in California must be hybrids, especially the SUVS. In other words: gas or diesel or hydrogen generating electric power to power the wheels.
The surface of all cars must be solar panels built into the roofs, hoods and trunks to obsorb solar power at all times the sun is out. Whenever possible cars and trucks should be parked outside in the sun to continue power generation during daylight hours. By doing this and saving all excess solar and wind power in good deep cycle batteries both in cars and homes it would create an awesome power storage capacity. Any unneeded excess capacity could then be sold back to the state by individual consumers on Power Crisis days to the grid.

For more information check out online or find other solar power consultants and suppliers. Wind is much more likely to create enough power for your home especially if you are running refrigerators, power tools etc. However, solar may cover all your lighting needs if you are careful and have enough sun where you live.

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