Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I was thinking about how genetic traits are passed down from one generation to the next

 For example, I likely am genetically related to Francis Bacon through his daughter and there is a trait that the Comte De Saint Germain had where his hair only fully grayed around the temples no matter how old he got that I have too. Also, even though I'm 76 years old I still have all my hair too which is another trait of both Francis Bacon and the Comte De Saint Germain.

This makes me think about traits that Buddha and Jesus had too and I wonder if Buddha was an ancestor of Jesus which would make complete sense to me. Then when I studied with Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. , India and Nepal I also found out that records from Nalanda University which was a Buddhist University in the present Bihar state of India were taken to Tibet likely by Padmasambhava or others which mentioned that after the resurrection Jesus and Mary Magdelene came to India where Jesus lived until he was 85 and they had many children together in India. Jesus was called Saint Issa which makes sense because in Aramaic his name actually was Yesu or Yeshua. Jesus is just the European name for him. So, I wonder if Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I were actually genetically connected to Jesus and to Buddha like I seem to be connected to Francis Bacon and the Comte De Saint Germain. So, all these genetic traits could also be passed down through the many children of Jesus born in India to Jesus and Mary Magdelene as well.

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