Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Gratitude is the Motor of Life

 There is something about being grateful for what you already have that draws more of what you have to you. I have noticed this all my life. My parents had this grateful attitude too which helped me have this attitude also. Of course as a child my parents were mystical Christian Ministers from my age 6 to 12 in Los Angeles. They also taught me through example how to counsel people in a positive way where you are guiding people away from self destructive or suicidal thoughts if possible.

But, it's also true: "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

And people are like this too even if they are really thirsty for whatever they need sometimes they just won't drink up what they need to stay alive.

So, all you can do is to try to lead people to water (or what they most need to stay alive whatever it is).

So, being grateful for your friends and family is a good start and to go from there forward. How far you take your gratitude which needs to be sincere is your own choice from there.

By God's Grace

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