Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How does one "time Duplicate" a human or Android Body from one to many?

 If you take a body and you move one second into the future even then sent that body from 1 second into the future back that one second you then have 2 bodies (at least temporarily) in the same time and space. You can keep "duplicating" either of those two bodies also and they all would have the same awareness basically as the first one (only up to the time they were duplicated.) Then they each would have their own individual experiences after that point in time.

So, theoretically you could take one person and time duplicate them into 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or any number of people (theoretically) but as soon as they were duplicated they would be more like identical twins or Identical Triplets more than anything else. 

As soon as they have individuality they begin to experience and think about different things just like identical twins would too and have completely different experiences from then on as long as they are alive and duplicated in this way.

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