Monday, September 16, 2024

I discovered in 1969 that I could "Channel" information when my Uncle who passed away likely in 1942? came and helped me

At the time I was contemplating suicide because of events in my life but he showed me how to move forward and was very helpful. This was 1969 or early 1970. Then in 1985 I was working and he came again to me to show me that he had come for my father so I called my Dad and said, "Dad, Tommy your brother is coming for you to take you to heaven." A few hours later my mother called crying and told me my father had passed away in an ambulance on the way to a hospital. Because of this I cannot ride in an Ambulance anymore. So, when I believed I might be dying in fall of 1998 I called my son to come take me to the hospital in his car then on the NOrthern California Coast. Angels came to me while I was waiting for him to take me to the hospital so I thought I was dying and was preparing for my death through prayer. However, the Angels surrounded me and started saying in unison: "You Aren't going to Die! Your life will get better now!" They just kept saying this to me in unison until every cell in my body believed them. My mind being a human wasn't completely convinced but every cell of my body became convinced this is true which Is likely why I survived this heart virus over the next 9 months and most others died then in 1998 and 1999 from Heart Viruses.

By God's Grace (I am Alive still all these years later).

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