Thursday, September 19, 2024

I don't try to write about beings like Arcane and His Oneness and Jonathan Flow and Celeste Weaver all the time. Why?

Because writing about something like this all the time (unless you are getting paid for it full time or part time) is going to burn you out. And when you get burned out you are going to get writer's block which is from my point of view your mind saying: "This is just too much I'm shutting down because I don't want to do this anymore." And if you force yourself to write when your mind says "No!" all sorts of bad mental and physical problems can arise in your life because you are short circuiting the needs of your mind and body to do something else.

This is my point of view about all this. I'm perfectly fine if you have a different point of view. It's just that I try to honor my mind and body and my connection to the infinite as much as I can because if you short circuit too much by forcing yourself to do something your mind and body don't want to do (like I said before) all sorts of bad things might happen to you) along the way by not honoring your intuition, your instincts,  your subconscious mind, your body, etc. etc. etc.

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