Thursday, September 19, 2024

I haven't been reviewing movies or series because I'm traveling

This has been a pretty busy summer and fall and so first we went to Texas to visit our youngest daughter and friends who are from California and moved there because the taxes are less there than California. Just for one example, Gas in Portland you could get for $3.99 for regular. The same thing where we live in the SF Bay area is $5.50 or $6.

Then after Texas we wanted to visit my son in Portland but we realized we needed to wait because I'm 76 and my wife is 69. My oldest biological daughter I wanted to be in Europe for the birth of her child but she knew this might be too much for me to survive well and in the end I realized she was right. She didn't want to have to care for me and my wife over there if anything went wrong with either of us. So, we are waiting for them to move back to the U.S. later this year instead to see our new grandchild which will work too for us and them.

So, then my adopted daughter was having her 2nd boy in August so we traveled to San Diego County to assist with this birth. This seemed to work for my wife but not really for me and the house we rented had many problems like a gas leak in the stove in the kitchen which gave my wife a headache and then we had to call the fire department. So, likely we will not stay there again because it wasn't properly maintained,(the house or the gas oven).

Then we still wanted to visit my son who is sick especially because his wife had to visit her own sick father overseas. So, she was gone while we were there for around 10 days helping my son stay alive there.

He was doing much better again by the time we left but I still told him that in an emergency I could fly up from the SF Bay area to Portland within about 6 to 8 hours on any given day if he had to go to the hospital for an emergency and I could help take care of his son until his wife returns in October. 

So, now we are in Mt. Shasta but last night my wife got sick likely with a chest cold (likely from all the traveling we have done lately). So, I might have to drive her home to the SF Bay area instead of resting up here for several days because being sick here if you are not used to the altitude isn't really good especially with a chest cold or with smoke from fires. Luckily there is no smoke from fires here right now so that's good too.

So, because of all these things I haven't been watching a lot of movies or series because we have been so busy since about June this year. This is very unusual for us to have this many things going on in any 4 or 5 month period but also it keeps your brain working well because you have to adapt to every new situation and this stimulates your brain and body to adapt and stay younger the way everything functions in your body and mind.

By God's Grace

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