Friday, September 6, 2024

I was wondering this morning here in Mt. Shasta why Chapter 5 was the way it was so far?

I'm thinking that military situations in the world are pretty desperate right now so Chapter 5 might have just been a warning to the whole world during difficult Economic and Global Climate change times here on earth.

Just like how World War I actually created World War II because of how badly Europe treated Germany and left people starving there and when Hitler came to power a wheelbarrow of German money was needed to just buy a loaf of bread so your family wouldn't Starve.

The whole world is heading in this same "Starvation cycle again. "NOTHING Creates wars like technologically advanced people starving in the masses like we are headed towards now.

So, I'm thinking that this is why the Universe wanted me to write Chapter 5 the way it did last night.


Both Covid and Global Climate changes have brought the world to this. 

Recently, I learned that SARS 1 is related to Covid-19 so they are related to each other. One of our housekeepers said her father almost died from SARS-1 (during the Covid-19) period. So, apparently SARS-1 is still circulating around the world. 

I think the death toll of Covid so far is about 10 times what people say. Why?

Because no Covid Cases were counted where people were dead before they were tested worldwide.

Since there are presently over 7 million deaths attributed to Covid presently (as of April 2024) worldwide that means that about 70 million people have died so far of Covid.

When you start to compare the deaths in World War II to the deaths from Covid which is what you have to do now (if you are realistic and not a child in how you think) then you have to compare (just the deaths) to the damage brought by World War II.

There wasn't the physical destruction of cities and buildings and military bases and tanks and planes and battlefield. Instead the battleground was often the hospitals and city streets and homes of where people just died wherever they were within a few days without medical treatment and could be found dead on their couch at home (anywhere on earth) or dead in the streets (anywhere on earth) or dead up against a tree) anywhere on earth. This is what the reality of Covid Actually brought to earth.

It totally economically screwed up the earth as bad as the Great Depression in many different ways.

And to totally grasp what has happened to us the easiest way to grasp it is to compare covid deaths to World war II in what has actually  happened to us as planet Earth.

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