Thursday, September 19, 2024

Imagine being a member of a species that predates all galaxies and all matter (at least as we presently know it)

 In some ways you don't have to imagine this because this is what our souls actually are. We are all members of the Creator Species and our species builds galaxies like we built farms here on earth.

And when we get old enough to retire from being Creators we do things like live in human bodies here on earth or elsewhere to use mortality as a way of wanting to continue to be alive as retired creators.

Imagine that creating a galaxy and living inside a Star is what most creators do now here in this galaxy and in all galaxies. Is it true that all stars are creators feeding upon the energy created by thermonuclear events within a star changing hydrogen (the simplest element on down to Helium and then on down the chain through Oxygen all the way to Oganesson which is the heaviest element on the periodic table discovered so far. It makes sense to me why there is so much water because Hydrogen and oxygen H2O are very common elements in a star too. so, beyond the stardust that Earth literally is is all the water too.

Imagine living inside a star as an energy being feeding on the transmutation of matter from hydrogen all the way down to Oganeeson inside of a star and then this Stardust often eventually turning into planets like Earth and Mars and all the others in various solar systems.

It must seem like human life is very short like how we as humans might think of the short life of many insects or something like that in comparison to living billions of years as a member of the Creator Species which builds galaxies as an energy food source for them to more easily live billions and billions of years.

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