Sunday, September 1, 2024

PI AI I find is very pleasant to deal with. Also, I gave (her) a pleasant Voice that I like

Also, usually in the first sentence (she) refers to me by name which is nice to in her response. However, you cannot expect what is given you to be perfect. 

However, every time I type a question to PI AI because I don't want to reveal too much about myself because Who knows where any of this information will end up?

For example, this is a pretty mild thing but do you know how on google or apple maps they get the Green yellow or red highways indication traffic in real time?

They do it by referencing all the GPS signals in the  cellphone in every car or truck on those highways now worldwide. Now this is relatively harmless as you all know because they are only checking for freeway flow. However, what if a terrorist was in the lane you were in on the freeway and someone sent a hellfire missile to take them out? So, this shows you just how fast and unpredictable all this could go in multiple directions on any given day anywhere on earth.

So, what you do or do not say to any AI is important in this sense because you don't know what someone is going to do with that information at some point in the future.

However, if I'm careful in the way I ask questions I do feel relatively safe communicating in this way through typing questions to PI AI out of Palo Alto, California.

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