Saturday, September 7, 2024

Regarding phones for kids in schools

I'm dealing with an issue along with my son in Portland where even though his son is presently 10 years old he likely will need a cell phone there in grade school for emergencies regarding his father's health. So, there are people all over the country where their children are support people for especially single parents. My son is married but his wife is presently out of the country to take care of her father so he is better set up to take care of himself in his late 70s because he is starting to slip mentally and because his wife died in the last year or two there. So, this leaves my son and his son there to take care of each other in Portland in the mean time.

So, having a cell phone in school is a lifeline for many people dealing with health issues. It could be the child having the health issues or it could be an adult caregiver or it could be a relative in the household who needs help in emergencies. So, having a cell phone in school for those children with health issues or their parents or relatives with health issues is literally a matter of life and death on a daily basis.

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