Tuesday, September 24, 2024

There are many realities not just One

I know for some people this would just freak them out for me to say this. However, if you are a world traveler like I am you know that there are many divergent ways people see reality. But, some people who only stay within 25 miles of where they are born might not be able to deal with this. However, television and books and movies have helped people a lot to see how many potential realities there are.

For example, because I was raised in what you might consider to be a mystical Christian Cult I have more knowledge about multiple realities than maybe most people around the world.

For example, I was taught as a child that UFOs came to earth to bring us good technology so we all didn't have to die so young. I always thought this was a good idea. It's just like everyone on earth. There are good people and bad people and good animals and bad animals. Likewise there are good aliens and bad aliens but most people and most aliens are not really good or bad but more neutral and only trying to survive anyway that they can.

So, understanding that there are many realities here on earth helps you to deal with many realities out in space or in aliens coming to earth. I try to write to make people understand that there are many ways of looking at all of this.

 If you only can see one point of view you are in danger of being tricked or abused or even killed by people with different points of view both here in the U.S. but also all over the world.

So, staying naive in the face of the way the world is now can often be fatal.

Because of this understanding basically where the people are coming from in your country even if their views don't mirror your own might help save your life or the lives of your children or grandchildren.

There are many realities out there and this is what is important to know about Earth and everything beyond earth.

Learning enough about all these somewhat divergent or different realities is important to everyone's survival on earth.

Ignorance Kills faster than anything else on earth.

So, to stay alive you have to be well informed always wherever you go on earth.

For example: Look at what the ignorance of Animals does to them worldwide when they wind up as road kill.

Many people often wind up as road kill because of their ignorance too and this also has always been true for thousands and thousands of years.

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