Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Welcome to Fred's Journal page that existed at Geocities from June of 1999 to 2007

 Note: today Wednesday September 4th 2024: I realized that I could share some of the first things I wrote online. It doesn't go back to June of 1999 that was archived but it does go back to around Spring of 2000. So, this stuff is going back now around 24 years time. Pretty interesting. In 2000 I would have turned 52 that year. end note: So, these articles go back to 2000 AD before 2001 which is about 1 year after I started this blog site where I had to program everything myself in HTML. It's one reason why I don't have pictures but I do have URLs to pictures sometimes if they still exist online 24 years later.

Welcome to Fred's Journal page

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The description of my page is:
Galactic Ecology
Science Fiction
Ways for Earth to Survive

This is now an archive page. If you want recent journal entries after 5-17-07 go back to index page and click on journal2.

These pages are dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings Everywhere and everywhen. These pages are dedicated to ensuring the beneficent survival of the human race on earth and as we move out to terraform and colonize other planets and dimensions. May all our efforts ensure the beneficent survival of all our children's children's children's children.

What is Enlightenment?
It is Being just being with joy!
It is understanding ones place in the universe-
It is understanding that one is kindred with everyone and everything Everywhere and Everywhen-
It is understanding that Kindness, Wisdom and Compassion and Joy Is and Are the true nature of all awareness everywhere and everywhen-
It is understanding that all fighting and competition is superficial only and never the true and ultimate basis of life in the universe!

Will Life on Earth Survive?


These pages are a part of an electronic campfire in which we can share the stories necessary for our survival.

Whenever life touches your heart
That is God
personally loving you
Amazed by you
intrigued by you
interested in you
loving you

The following is a true ancient Asian saying:
The path or way that can be thought of or spoken of
Is Not the True Path or the True Way
given this:
the true path and true way can only be directly experienced


Enlightenment comes unexpectedly
Like lightning from the sky
Everything Changes
Nothing is ever the same again

(the following was directly translated to English from ancient Sanskrit by a friend of mine)

Thoughts that turn the mind

Certainty of death

Precious human birth

The nature of the mind is emptiness and luminosity

The three effects of these thoughts are: Bliss, Clarity and No Thought

note: the following is my reaction after meditating on the above Ancient Sanskrit Buddhist translation directly to English

Acceptance of the Void

The void is unknowable
Therefore many fear it
The mind cannot grasp the Void
Fear dissapates when the mind realizes
that the Void is Primal and Unknowable
Acceptance of the Unknowable nature of the Void
allows the pilgrim to have Peace in the Unknowable

Peace in the Unknowable can be like standing in the heart of the Primordial Creator - - -

The Unknowable

September 25th 2006

I have known the Unknowable
I have been the Unbeable
I have heard the Unhearable
I have seen the Unseeable
But no man can see God and Live!
So I staggered having seen God
No longer exactly just a man
Burnt but still living like a Redwood tree
In shock to be alive
Amazed to still be walking
Understanding I was dead
Compassion was what he said to me
Teach compassion to all life
Be compassionate to yourself, he said
All around you is you
Be compassionate to life everywhere
For you all are me
So I staggered from the shock of it
Rendered senseless from the power of it
Moving forward from the meaning of it
Wondering what was next for me

Note: I use stream of consciousness when I write. It might not seem as organized as you might like. However, as a psychic I have found I can get more useful information out to help lives and save lives in this way. Thanks.Note:As an enlightened being I believe that I have an obligation to give the best truths I know that moment. If I don't have access to very many truths or answers on a given subject then I try to formulate useful questions so you can find the answers yourselves as the truth is an ongoing and everchanging process. Basic truths don't change but many detail truths are constantly changing.

Note to the reader: Most of the time what I write about is 100% factual in that I am speaking about things that I know something about. However, as a writer I have also decided to give myself creative license to postulate ideas as they appear in my consciousness, feelings and mind. In this way I enhance the creative process. I'm sorry if anyone feels disturbed by how I am enhancing my creative process. However, for the creative among you I'm sure you will understand how and possibly why I am enhancing my creative process by doing this. Then when I reread what I have written I am re-inspired and it again stimulates my creative process further and further and further. The creative process is always inspired by asking questions. The only really important thing about this is: Are you ready for the answers that come from asking serious questions?

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