Thursday, October 24, 2024

Why do I write about Being an Intuitive and not always putting this in some kind of religious context?

Though I was raised to be a Mystical Christian by my parents who ran a church and were ministers in Los Angeles from 1954 until 1960 when I was 6 to 12 years old. and even though I studied many things like SRF in Encinitas and ate often at the SRF Vegetarian restaurants then in Hollywood and Encinitas and studied Tibetan Buddhism from about 1980 through the present and visited India and Nepal and met many Tibetan Lamas and was initiated by the Dalai Lama along with 500,000 other Tibetan Buddhists I realize that many people are intuitive and were not raised in any religion.

So, when I write I want to be able to help the most amount of people possible because we all are needed to prevent human extinction this century in any way that we can.

Trying to write about Christianity or Buddhism which are the two main things I have studied doesn't seem appropriate when nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction could be used by fundamentalists of literally any religion either.

So, writing as an intuitive it can help people of all religions or no religion because in the end we are all trying to survive here on earth together and out of compassion for ourselves and all others it is in all our best interests to do what we can to prevent human extinction this century and on into the future.

So, for me, writing as an intuitive is just pragmatic and compassionate to all beings towards the end of preventing human extinction here on earth.

Besides, Global Climate changes likely could eliminate 1/2 of the population of earth by 2050 at the present rate things are changing, especially because the earth can grow 50% less food as of now just from the climate changes so far.

This is going to make food for much of the world so expensive that many will die in the process of all this.

So, I think if you own property and have good water maybe growing your own food might be a good idea about now. Worldwide.

By God's Grace

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