Saturday, April 7, 2012

Deep Truth

There are many things even today that have been suppressed by both religion and by science in children's textbooks worldwide. There are modern day Galileo situations, in fact they are the norm in regard to new found knowledge, even science. Things are changing so fast in the realm of what we know about our past as well as what we have learned in the last 50 to 100 years that a majority is not taught in High School or even in college and definitely not in Grade School and Junior High. Why is this?

The best reason that I can give is that things are now changing so fast that most people don't want to make kids insecure. Also, all these new facts and scientific advances might challenge religions even more than they did in Galileo's time. When you have school districts debating things like Creationism, Darwinism and Intelligent design, how can the literally millions and more discoveries find a place in modern day schools anywhere?

Here is a perfect example of one fact that was readily known in places like Moscow and likely Beijing during the 1970s. When a probe was sent there by the Soviet Union it was discovered that the asteroid belt had once been a planet blown up by a thermonuclear bomb or bombs. The intelligentsia of the Soviet Union understood this. However, it was completely repressed by religions in the west to the point where it never saw the light of day. Why was this? Because understanding that we humans might have come from other planets and might also migrate to other planets in the future was  unacceptable to world religions because it disagreed with long written teachings.

There are thousands of similar examples of facts that are indisputable that are inconvenient truths. Besides, history (His Story) is always written by the winners of any conflict physical, religious or verbal.

So, where are all these deep truths that have been hidden or suppressed from the average person worldwide. They are everywhere. They are inconvenient truths. And so they disappear, they are suppressed many times along with the people who discovered them. This is the way things have always been and to some degree still are a little still like the times of Galileo worldwide.

So, if you want your children educated what do you do?

Because of this some people home school their kids. But if the home schooling is too religious based it is likely to suppress many of the new discoveries because of the regimentation of most religions. So, home schooling along religious lines will suppress your children's open minds and resourcefulness if you aren't careful. But then you want to give your kids a scientific education. Here again, different branches of science have become just like religions, people's careers are often more important than pure scientific truths. And so truths get lost in people saving or salvaging their reputations or careers and the same things happens now in science often as has always happened in relation to only religions in the past.

But then there is the other side of all this. What if you are a person who gathers together all these various kinds of new advances in one web site and then points other people to as many advances as you can find that might be helpful? What can happen to someone bright enough to organize even some of these new advances in all directions? So, everyone must find ways to protect themselves while researching out the most important advances that can help mankind survive the coming times. So, if you can bring to people's attention worldwide ways that humanity can survive this century better, then I think you need to do it. This is what my site is mostly about. I'm trying to relay all the wisest things that I can find so hopefully, humanity can find ways to survive this century and the next and the next and the next. And so on.

Also, my daughter gave me a book called "Deep Truth" by Gregg Braden for Christmas, and after talking to her maybe I'll have to read it. But I'm glad I at least got all this off my chest.

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