Monday, December 3, 2018

Will it help to put off 25% tariffs for 90 days?

This is Trump's latest plan of staying with the 10% tariffs for another 90 days starting January. He thinks somehow this is going to help things between China and the U.S.

Let me ask you something. If someone walked up to you (Trump) and punched you in the face while your country already was having a difficult time economically what would you think about the person who just punched you in the face?

The problem is that China has NEVER practiced Western Chivalry rules of fairness: EVER.

From China's point of view, either China survives well or it doesn't survive at all. So, it's never been about European rules of Chivalry ever.

It's about China surviving and prospering whether anyone else does or not.

Let me put it to you in another more useful ethnocentric way that Chinese often think that are leaders.

"Only The Chinese Aristocracy are human. The rest of the world are animals and if they starve to death or  die. So what?"

This is the way the Chinese leadership has thought for the last 6000 years always. To think anything is going to change or that Trump is somehow going to teach China European Chivalry suddenly is really really stupid on Trump's part.

If you think I'm wrong about any of this you should either study the last 6000 years of Chinese history or talk to someone who actually has.

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