Thursday, September 13, 2012

Issues and Dieting

If a person has not at least acknowledged their issues around food even if they lose all the weight they want to they will either quickly or not so quickly tend to gain it back again.

So, since it can be a great deal of work to actually lose weight that you gained it might be important to look at yourself and all the issues in your own specific life that brought you to where you are. And this is important to do whether you are fat, or have already lost weight or even if you are skinnier than you might want to be.

I know what my issues around food are. I wrote  them all down so I feel much better about it now. Maybe you should also write down your issues for yourself or even make a video of yourself talking about your issues around food and whether food is the problem or sex or whatever it might be. That way when you lose your weight you aren't suddenly surprised with whatever you weren't dealing with then and it might be really scary to deal after losing your weight.
 So, if you have issues around your weight  or food or whatever it is, it is important to psychologically deal with these issues before you lose your weight or it could harm your life in various ways. So, ferret out what your issues are around your weight before you lose all of it so you aren't suddenly surprised by these issues after you lose your weight and find yourself in either psychological or physical trouble because you haven't dealt with the real issues behind your gaining weight in the first place.

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