Thursday, September 13, 2012


People at all stages of life tend to fall into one of 3 categories. About 1/3 of everyone at all ages fall into  each of these categories.
1. Those who will succeed no matter what life brings them
2. Those who will succeed given the right circumstances
3. Those who will not succeed no matter what the circumstances are

It is important to realize that there are these three categories of people. And it might be good to assess which category your children are in. Otherwise when they grow up if you expect them to succeed no matter what you might find them dead at some point instead. Can you live with that?

Every parent who is realistic with themselves must ask this question.  Luckily, I am in one of the top two categories. I have succeeded in life. Was it easy? No. If I knew then what I know now likely I would have killed myself at age 21 if I had known just how difficult it would be.

But then I would have missed one of the most amazing lives I have ever heard of. My own.

My parents were the kind that said to me, "We have enough money and property so that if you have any problems come back after you are 18 and stay with us if you need for awhile.

However, worldwide many parents are in the category that, "We barely have enough to survive so you are on your own at 16 or 18 for life."

Then there are the sad children with parents like this: "We died or have serious problems so you are on your own from age 4 to 12 to 16. But, if these children happen to be in the first category if they can keep their mental and physical health growing up they likely will succeed.

So, I guess what I'm saying here is in the world we presently live in about 2/3 of the kids won't make it without some or a lot of help to even age 30.

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