Sunday, May 22, 2016

Finding other family trees you were once a part of

If you don't believe in reincarnation this must all seem very strange. But, this is the most physical evidence I have ever found regarding any single lifetime I have ever lived. Most of it is blocked from me. But, there are many things I cannot deny. The beginning memories came to me in the hospital. The night before the hospital introduced me to my surgeon. At the time I believed I was going to die because I believed I was too weak then after the previous week I had had to survive the surgery. So, at the time it was sort of "Good Bye I'm dead" so as I kissed my wife (what I believed was for the last time) as I was pushed into surgery on a guerney I prepared to die.

So, when I woke up at 11 pm (one hour before Easter 2015) I felt that I had been resurrected and I was happy my kids wouldn't have to cremate me and deal with the ashes and have a memorial for me and deal with the grief and all that. So, I was very happy for my family and glad for them I didn't die because this saved them a great deal of death an turmoil in their lives.

But then, after the operation in the Hospital I saw my surgeon and realized something strange was happening here. I had only physically seen her once as she interviewed me for a few minutes before she removed my burst appendix the night before. However, I immediately knew something very different was going on there. I was eventually able to trace it to Wikipedia and to a picture of her as the Princess of Serbia married to my brother. But, I didn't know who I was then yet. So, at first seeing this picture of her taken nearer to 1900 in that era in Russia really blew my mind. Then I read about her how she studied medicine and only gave up being a doctor when she got pregnant by my brother who she was married to and had a child. So, once again in this lifetime she had wanted to and become a surgeon which is logical if you understand how souls actually are where they carry over feelings and inclinations often from lifetime to lifetime.

For example, the reason I thought when I wrote Arcane that I was writing Science Fiction was that the issues I was still dealing with were very similar in some ways to what Arcane was dealing with (that I later discovered was a past lifetime of mine as I lay dying (I thought) in 1998 and 1999. So, it was a revelation to me to understand the true nature of Souls BEYOND TIME AND SPACE.

Because I believed before then only in linear reincarnation. But, when I realized souls don't even naturally live in time in space except when living in a human or other body on earth or other planets or dimensions or heaven realms, I realized what really can happen with souls in relation to time and space and it completely overwhelmed me. But now I understand better. But, unless you need to understand this, just remember if you really do get it it is pretty overwhelming to deal with.

So, only if it is useful is it good to actually know about. For example, I wouldn't have wanted to know about most of this stuff until I was at least 40 or 50 years of age for a variety of reasons.

By God's Grace

However, I'm sharing this in the hope that this will sooner or later help you. Because for most of you this is only going to be intellectual speculation. However, dealing with the reality of all this is another matter completely.

By God's Grace

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