Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Lemurian rocks?

If you study computer data storage you might know that crystals of various kinds are one of the potential storage places for digital data. Likewise it has been said (and I have experienced this myself) if you take a rock from Mt. Shasta (and put it under your pillow when you sleep at night) then it will engram your brain of Data from Lemuria. So, using crystals as data storage will be invented for the 2nd or more time by humans in the 21st century and beyond. metal is crystalline and so are rocks and so is sand and dirt which is little broken pieces of rock crystals mostly. Even real glass made from sand could be said to be crystalline.

From my point of view as an intuitive and from past life memories I realize that many technological civilizations have been on Earth, Mars, Venus (when it was cooler) and on Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) when it was still a planet.

So, from my perspective there are at least 4 planets that have harbored human life with atmospheres     that humanoids could breathe  as well as water (just in the Solar system) as well as many types of stations on moons and less habitable planets some of which might still be there in place and operating (maybe). However, when you consider this happened likely over more than 100 million years it is hard to say when the last place had humanoids since humanoids likely first colonized Earth after the big dinosaurs all died very conveniently about 65 million years ago from an asteroid strike.

So, even though the magnetospheres of Venus and Mars and the Asteroid belt have given out likely through overuse by humanoids of various different technologies, earth still remains viable for now for the almost 8 billion souls here now. But, it is debatable how much longer humans will be able to live here without going extinct at present here on earth.

With the proper self discipline and technology it is possible for us to continue here for millions of years even though we would not look at all like we do now as human beings.

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