Friday, May 13, 2016

More regarding "You are walking the earth as in a dream"

I think God is playing a joke on me because this really made me laugh. After I laughed I tried to change the word from EMPY to Empty but it won't. So, I think God is playing a joke on me and you. end note.

The software would not let me write on the last article so I'm having to write my comments here:

If you read the full text in the last article I fully agree with this. Because this world is only real in a relative sense. Like all heaven realms, dream worlds etc. this world only appears to be real and physical. However, it is not ultimately real. The reason it is not ultimately real is we are only visiting here. This is not our permanent home. Every religion speaks about this and they are right.

However, it is important that God put you here for a purpose. So, each of us likely made an agreement with God to come here for some purpose.

So, if you don't know what you are doing here, that might be problematic in itself. It would be like going on a trip somewhere away from your family and then hitting your head and getting amnesia. You might just wander around and do almost anything because you might have no idea who you are, what you are a part of, or what your purpose is here at all.

So, Yogananda is right in that finding your way to God is very important because without this connection you are sort of like this person with amnesia wandering around getting into mischief.

So, understanding you are only in a dream here to learn something might be an important place to start.

When I spoke to God and asked God why he created me when I was young he said, "I was (bored) I later realized it wasn't bored it was "Empty" that he was saying because this wasn't in words it was soul to soul talk which is way beyond words. When God talks to you you completely lose your individuality in that you die. So, you become someone else from who you were before. Christians often call this "Being Born Again" because you die in meeting God. So, if you are still alive after meeting God you might shake or faint or whatever and then you are someone else then.

When I came back from visiting God I was traumatized to almost dying from it. I shook for hours and I was shaken in my very soul to the core. I was never the same ever again. Though I had asked God to come into my body to live with me here on earth around age 15 I actually talked to God in what looked like the Orion Nebula and I was never the same again about 5 or 6 years later.

I asked God why he had created my soul?

He said, "I created you because I was Empy".
I asked, "What is the purpose of life?
He said, "The purpose of life is to love and Bless life"
He said, "If someone kills any of the beings I create it is like cutting off one of my fingers"
So, this changed how I saw all beings alive in the universe and realize ALL BEINGS that are alive are his creations.

So, I was traumatized by all this for several days after this until I could integrate all this into my way of seeing all beings in the universe. I realized I was a man of God from then on and more would be asked of me by God than most other beings who have not met God face to face yet and have not died yet in the face of God and been reborn yet.

So, I try to be kind to all beings that think earth is real when it is not really. It is only relatively real. So, if you tell them it is not real they get pretty upset about it. Because it is all they have, just a few years on a rock called earth in space in their minds. So, I try to be kind so people don't have a psychotic break from finding out about the truth of life like I have. Because God does all things in his own time.

By God's Grace

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