Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Future of Human migration: Siberia, Canada, Alaska, Antarctica

If you look at what is happening in India you realize that poor people without access to ice or air conditioning if they do not migrate are going to die more and more over the years. Also, the tundra areas of Siberia, Canada, Alaska and Antarctica are going to slowly or relatively quickly melt out (depending on many Factors). Therefore you are going to see more and more people migrating to all these areas over time as the equator areas of the world become more and more uninhabitable during some times of the year.

So, this is what is happening on earth the rest of this century and probably beyond. If places like India and Pakistan are a problem now with people dying from the heat you have got to know that August in places like Hawaii is also going to kill people eventually over the years if they don't have air conditioning because of the combination of heat and humidity.

That doesn't mean that October to the end of March in Hawaii wouldn't be wonderful still, it just means only the locals who are used to heat in the summers like this with humidity will be able to stand it there in August eventually. And this is true of every place near the equator that is at lower altitudes with high humidity and heat during some times of the year.

So, poor people will either migrate or die if they live in really hot humid places eventually one by one. Or they are going to die on the days when the weather is bad one or the other.

It is very similar to people who leave really cold places if they are poor because they cannot survive there either. It has always been like this. It's just that now weather is changing worldwide and there will be people who adapt to the changes (colder or warmer) who survive and those who don't adapt (anyway they can) and die.

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