Saturday, September 10, 2016

How I came to embrace Buddhism in Addition to Christianity

It began when I began to see how Schizophrenic many Protestant Christians tend to be. I searched for the cause and the cause of all the craziness I found was dualism. If everything in life HAS to be either good or bad that means there are going to be some people you are going to want to kill because you are going to perceive them as BAD.

However, if one is realistic no one is completely good or bad, it's mostly that people have good days and bad days.

OF course there are exceptions to this just like every rule. But, generally speaking no one actually is either good or bad ALL the TIME which makes the dualistic argument in relation to people sort of ridiculous.

So, I saw that dualism was the enemy of the survival of the human race on earth. Because Dualism is what Christians and Muslims use to justify extincting each other. So, dualism is a potent and potential cause of human extinction in an age of nuclear weapons. (We see how crazy they are with what North Korea is doing right now for example).

So, when I began to understand Non-dualism I found that compassion was the key rather than trying to classify every person on earth as ultimately good or bad like Christians and Muslims often do.

So, by embracing compassion of all life in the universe I freed myself from dualism and moved forwards towards my own enlightenment as well as the enlightenment of all mankind in the process.

This led to health, wealth and happiness in my 30s to 60s and I realized that where I was before wasn't a good or healthy path for me.

Everyone must find there own way to peace and this was mine.

By having compassion for all beings in the universe I was also able to forgive myself for being a human being in all this and have compassion for all life in the universe in the process.

In having compassion for all life in the universe I automatically have compassion for myself too. This moved me away from suicidal thoughts  towards a much healthier path of being a father and a husband and friend and relative and my life moved forward in leaps and bounds.

So now, when I look back I see my path towards compassion was likely the most important decision that I made in my late 20s and early 30s that brought me the amazing life I live today.

By God's Grace

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