Thursday, September 1, 2016

Only in a Dictatorship with no human rights at all Could Trump actually do ANYTHING he is talking about

Think about this for a moment. Is Trump Hitler, Mussolini? Who is Trump?

Trump would have to throw away the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, disband the Congress, the Supreme court and the entire judicial system in America. Then he would have to fire all policemen sworn to uphold the law and put thugs in who would do whatever he wanted them to to do ANY of the things he is talking about today.

I suppose if you don't understand our system of government, haven't read the Bill of Rights, don't want the Congress, Supreme Court, Human rights or anything else to exist, voting for Trump might make sense.

But, if you actually understand how our government really works, Presidents don't really have any actual power unless they unleash nuclear weapons because they are pissed off like Trump is all the time.

So, ANY educated person knows this, so why don't Trump's voters know this too?

Think about it in terms of Bush and Obama the two last Presidents. Were they really able to accomplish much at all?

NO. Because Bush was saddled with a two multi trillion dollar wars because he let 9-11 happen on his watch.

Then Obama gets into office and wants to do big and great things too. What was he able to accomplish? Not even Obamacare is sure to last because of Republican States trying to undermine it every which way.

Trump will be no different than Bush or Obama except Trump is going to get so mad and frustrated as president that he is going to nuke someone.

A president doesn't have any of the powers he is actually talking about anymore and hasn't since about Andrew Jackson or Lincoln's time for very good reasons.

Trump either has no clue what it actually means to be president or he thinks you and I are so stupid we don't know what it is to be a president either.

So, unless Trump would disband the Congress, the Supreme court, the entire judiciary and fire every policeman in the U.S. and replace them all with his personal thugs  absolutely nothing he is talking about could actually happen while he was preisdent of the United States.

On top of this most Reupublicans wouldn't even help him put ANY of these things through legislation because they would be voted out of office in most states. So, there is no way most Republicans office holders could support any of the things he is talking about either.

So, once again, only if the U.S. was a complete dictatorship with him as Emperor or King could ANYTHING Trump talks about actually happen in real life with him as president.

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