Thursday, September 22, 2016

opiates, Alcohol,drugs and guns

As I watch on the news more and more people in opiate overdoses in cars and in stores etc. while their little children (often under 5) are left trying to care for one or more parents, it shows me the pathetic situation for many people here in the U.S. that they have been driven by their lives to this.

It reminds me more and more of what happened worldwide in the 1930s and 1940s worldwide. But, my concern is when Alcohol or drugs mix with guns. We all know from reading or being around this in college or high school for example how crazy kids or adults can get. But, when you mix guns and Drugs and Alcohol it can get even more insane.

So, my concern now is this mix nationwide during this election. It wouldn't take much for things to get really out of hand one or more places in the U.S. now and this could easily spin out of control across the nation.

When you have two such completely opposing camps such as Trump and Clinton OR Black people feeling victimized by Police or  various other groups who feel victimized by individuals and groups you have a difficult climate when so many private people have weapons and might be psychologically or physical altered in various different ways during these very chaotic times in the U.S. and worldwide.

So, I think all of us have to be more considerate and aware wherever we go during these times. Because often people have legal concealed weapons under their jackets or coats or shirts or in the glove compartments of their cars or under the driver's seat and you really don't want to be pissing them off especially when you are driving a car these days anywhere in the U.S.

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