Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Growth of populism in Europe since the 1960s

Here are some statistics:

The populist Right party was 6.7% in the 1960s
The populist Left party was 2.4% in the 1960s

However, by 2010 the populist right party was 13.4%
and by 2010 the           poulist left party was     12.7%

So, if you add these two european parties they were 9.1% total in the 1960s
and over 26% total starting by 2010.

The cause of the rise of populism is the decline as the pivot of politics. Because politics is still shaped today by the same left right divide. However, this does not address really in any useful way people's money not buying enough and in many cases less and less and it also doesn't address wage increases in any useful way.

The statistics here are a quote from Fareed Zacharia GPS on CNN on Sunday Morning to day September 18th 2016.

By the 1980 class voting had fallen to the lowest levels ever recorded in Britain, France, Sweden and West Germany. ---In the United States, it had fallen so low by the 1990s that there was virtually no room for further decline.

Today economic status is not a very good predictor of an American's voting status at all.

IN politics economic issues have become increasingly less important in Western Democracies. However, non-economic issues have become increasingly important.

What replaced economics was culture wars instead throughout western democracies starting in the 1960s. post materialistic politics, gender and race and environmentalism which then generated a backlash from older voters.

Trump's success came from non-economic appeal which is why he has come so far with conservative voters now like with immigration, security and identity.

This is the new landscape of politics and it explains why partisonship is so high, and rhetoric is so shrill and compromise seems impossible.

Money can always be divided but how do you compromise on the core issue of identity or national culture?

So, as a result each side believes what the other wants is deplorable.

This is mostly paraphrased from what Fareed Zacharia said on his program.

But, I would like to add that this is why a physical revolution of sorts is a danger because no matter who wins in the U.S. there is likely to be violence and many of the other side now leaving the country in horror.

Because neither side is interested at all in compromise and this is often where in countries civil wars begin.

And so I would say after leaving through the 1960s myself that we are entering another very very tumultuous time for America the way things are now similar in many ways to the conflicts of the 1960s and the Viet Nam War and the impeachment of Richard Nixon.

For example, it would be quite easy to see Trump being impeached in the first year of office. However, this could also happen to Hillary as well things being the way they are.

And if Trump gets in many many black people and Muslims and Mexicans are going to die or be put in jail unjustly. This is the real problem we face now. And this will only be 10 to 100 times worse for Americans who travel the world if Trump gets in because the world just thinks Trump is completely insane sort of like Duterte of the Philippines or the leader of North Korea.

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