Friday, September 2, 2016

What is a World Saver or Planet Saver?

Jesus was a World Savior. This is completely different than a World Saver or Planet Saver.

Their job is different. Jesus saves souls and Planet Savers save planets and life waves from being destroyed.

So, the job of a world saver or planet saver is to prevent the destruction of ecosystems or the planet itself and also to prevent the extinction of life waves on the planet of things like humans and animals and birds and fish down to micro-organisms.

So, it could be said that ALL of us are planet savers and World Savers as we work to save our planet and our species from permanent extinction.

We are presently in the middle of the 6th Great Extinction which began on earth during the last several hundred years.

I would say the primary cause of the 6th Great Extinction seen on earth is the overpopulation and success of mankind.

However, we must look around us now or the species we will next extinct is ourselves.

We already see evidence of this in the Middle East through genocide which is what overpopulation and a lack of birth control does in any species if too many beings are living in an ecosystem that cannot grow enough food or have enough water for everyone to survive.

So, genocide is a mammalian response to overpopulation. And presently in humanity it is taking the form of extincting other religions and sects and other cultures in the Middle East through genocide.

The only solution to this that I presently know of is birth control to end the cause of the genocide in the first place.

By God's Grace

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