Tuesday, January 17, 2017

President Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

I loaded this from Google Chrome which often doesn't allow me to load more than a word button. this is why I prefer Firefox for Blogging. So, if you want to read it hopefully you can either click on it or look it up at google or another search engine by the name of the article where you are  on earth.

Also, Chelsea has already tried to kill himself (herself) several times already. Commuting (Her) sentence might mean that she succeeds at this later but at least she will be free to live or die on her own terms which one doesn't realize how valuable a commodity this is unless one in incarcerated and not allowed to kill themselves.

begin quote from:
President Obama has commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who is serving 35 years for giving classified information to WikiLeaks, the White …
President Obama has commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who is serving 35 years for giving classified information to WikiLeaks, the White …

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