Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Putin is "Having his cake and eating it too!"

What a Master Machiavellian!

I have never seen the like here on earth of just how strategic a Machiavellian thinker KGB Style Putin actually is.

If he weren't destroying our democracy I'd almost have to compliment him in what he is doing because it is so very masterful. It's the way he could take over the whole world if it weren't for China!

I was watching his face as he made his statements about what the Obama Administration is doing to Trump's Presidency. He barely could contain his glee. Just take a clip of him of video and watch his face. He is like a male teenager getting away with doing something very very bad and then laughing about it. He Barely can contain his glee at watching America Tear itself apart into a completely divided nation until it is no more.

Putin is Totally responsible for Trump being President. Putin is totally responsible for Trump starting even before being inaugurated in destroying our system of government and ending the World Order established after World War II. And I don't even think Trump understands fully how he is destroying America because he is so very very busy keeping his ego intact by criticizing ANYONE on Twitter for the slightest slight.

So, while the cats away the mice will play.

In other words no one is going to actually be president in a military way the way Trump is presently moving against the Intelligence community. He is castrating our intelligence Community and therefore also castrating our military as well at the behest of Putin. And Putin is laughing his ass off!

And most of this country is clueless at how far Putin has already gone to destroy this democracy completely already through Trump!

What you might ask is Machiavellian Thinking?

These two terms might make it clear!


  1. Machiavellianism - Wikipedia

    Machiavellianism is "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct". The word comes from the Italian Renaissance diplomat and writer Niccolò Machiavelli, .... is unrelated to a more advanced theory of mind, that is, the ability to anticipate what others are thinking in social situations. If high ...
  2. Machiavellian Thinking vs. Conventional Logic | Illimitable Men

    Feb 8, 2015 ... "The tongue is the sword of a woman and she never lets it become rusty." - Chinese Proverb Contents: 1.) Justification is a Machiavellian ... 

    Machiavellian thinking is basically. ANY Means to an end.

    In other words you are willing to do literally anything to achieve your goal including lying, stealing and killing or whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Sort of like what a drug Lord is willing to do to get rich.

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