Wednesday, February 7, 2018

It's odd but it's also True

Lately I'm watching God coming into Trump through the prayers of all mankind. It's beginning to change him a lot.

He's having to change not to screw things totally up as a president for all mankind. Where all this leads I do not know but at least it doesn't seem as bad as it was the first year. Where it goes from now is anyone's guess.

It's sort of like becoming a father to become a president. I remember when I was first a father to my son. I was really too young in some ways even though I was already 26 when my son was born. I was still in some ways a "Manchild". Then one day my young wife wanted a break from taking care of our son and I had planned to go skiing because I lived in Mt. Shasta and it was winter there then likely in 1976. So, I decided to go skiing with my son in a Gerry Carrier on cross country skis. This worked fine for a few miles on Mt. Shasta until I hit a patch of ice because then I had no metal edges on my skis and I fell down and my son shot out face first into the snow. I remember thinking what a crappy father I was and didn't ever do that again. He didn't get hurt but he was about 3 and he cried from falling into the snow and getting wet. So, I just didn't do that again.

I think it's the same thing with Trump in some ways. He's starting to realize there are actual consequences to what he does. People live or die by what he says both directly and indirectly. He still lives a lot in the 1950s in White America but I think day by day as people live or die by his words worldwide I think he is slowly changing.

Is this enough to save us?

I hope so.

By God's Grace

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