Monday, February 19, 2018

Removing Guns from the American public seems logical but isn't

I can understand people thinking that guns are the problem but they are not the ultimate problem here. The problem is people's values or the lack of them. When I grew up I was given a gun. It was an honor that my grandmother and father and mother honored me enough to give me a rifle and bullets to store in my bedroom with me in my closet. This is a traditional thing done for boys deemed worthy to protect their families from both intruders into their homes but also to shoot any animals or varmints causing problems for the family too. This was an honor we saw for hundreds of years which seemed to fade away somehow with the Viet Nam War in the 1960s and 1970s.

I think boys not being honored and given bullets and guns to store in their bedrooms to protect their families is wrong thinking. It is ending a historical time when we defended ourselves from all comers.

It is an illusion ONLY that getting rid of guns changes anything.

When only Criminals have guns (and not law abiding people) we are all in danger.

In places like Chicago where often in areas people aren't allowed weapons to defend themselves criminals know this and crime goes up there because the criminals know there won't be legal guns there used to shoot them.

So, as you legally end guns in certain cities and areas you will always watch the rapes, break-ins and murders increase and increase in those areas because everyone knows where people who are law abiding citizens aren't allowed to own guns there.

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