Saturday, February 3, 2018

The world looks pretty bad right now

However, just remember while cities were being sacked and destroyed in every aeon in the past, often there were thinkers and writers and artists and philosophers who had escaped to the wilderness to help plan the future of mankind when things settled down enough to help society in an infinite amount of ways.

So, what I'm saying here is no mater how bad the world looks on any given day there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

For example, even as our federal Government under Trump goes to hell, states like California and others are going their own way completely without the Federal government as the voters of each state want to go wherever they want to go as citizens of that STate.

So, on one level the Federal government is more about protecting the nation and less about actually governing the United States every day now and states are more free to act however they want to during this era of states rights.

It's true this could all change on a dime but for now ALL the states are moving forward in amazing ways and making their own laws to protect their citizens wherever possible. And all the states likely will resist the Federal government if it doesn't agree with them in the future.

Is this good or bad?

It's both always for a variety of reasons.

But, at the same time as states get ever stronger in who they are they are less likely to give in to the Federal Government in the future after this much power localized.

For example, California all by itself is now the 6th largest economic power on earth.

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