Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trump is on the "Wrong Side" of the #MeToo movement

The Trump White House is digging it's own grave in regard to women voters across the U.S.

To disregard the #MeToo movement and pretend it isn't happening is sort of like pretending Global Warming isn't happened either like Trump often does in ignorance too.

When you act like it's the 1950s and you are living in 2018 something is seriously wrong.

It would be like walking out into the middle of a 4 lane highway and pretending no cars or trucks are going to hit you if you keep standing there. It just isn't realistic.

But, there has always been an element to Trump that "Isn't Realistic" which is why he is being Blackmailed by Putin like he is.

Or maybe better said, "Trump's unrealistic side is why Putin is able to Blackmail Trump and all his business dealings and the business dealings of all his children too."

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