Monday, February 5, 2018

Trump's craziness could trigger a crash in the Stock Market

A big part of the 1 trillion dollar loss in the Stock market came from Trump's unstable goofiness.

Most people see through him now as being completely selfish and not caring about the U.S. enough to actually be a good president. Whether you are Republican or Democrat you can now see how he is harming the nation with every crazy Tweet of a deranged old man not capable of being a useful, stable or good president.

Trump is crazy like a Fox but that is not in the interests of the country long term at all and ONLY in relation to himself and his family.

2nd he is being blackmailed by Putin and the Russian Mafiya which Putin both directly and indirectly controls by assassinating any member of the Russian Mafiya that doesn't directly or indirectly support his plans for the world.

So, part of Putin's plan might be actually to crash the world stock markets to destablize democracies so they have less money to implement sanctions against him.

In this, Putin would be aligned with North Korea in this.

However, I'm not sure this would be in China's interests because this could spark a domestic Chinese revolution or revolutions.

So, reducing the fincial viability of all democracies would be in Putin and Russia's interests.

So, expect Putin to destroy Trump by crashing the world stock markets.

Putin doesn't care about Trump at all. Trump isn't Putin's end.

Trump is a pawn to destroy all democracies on earth and to destabilize them worldwide.

Trump was put in place to destroy all democracies completely and absolutely by Putin.

If Trump was assassinated for example, this would further the Chaos being sown by Putin worldwide.

Because it might turn the U.S. into a killing ground like during the Civil War again like between 1860 to 1865 which also would be in Putin's interests.

So, the danger to us as Americans is instability and partisanship.

As long as Putin can create either America might be doomed as a democracy.

And if American Democracy is doomed, then all democracies eventually will be doomed too.

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